McGill Engineering is a specialist supplier of distributor technology to the water market, enjoying a strong reputation with key clients such as Southern Water, South West Water and Northern Ireland Water.
The company has grown around the development and offer of the McGill Distributor, an innovative solution to the operational challenges of the trickling filter wastewater treatment system.
With growing uptake of the McGill Distributor across the UK water market, the company has honed it’s specialism in the fabrication and installation of this innovative solution, and, with over 30,000,000 operational hours completed, the McGill Distributor has been perfected to its current status as an ideal addition to trickling filter wastewater treatment works.
From this foundation, McGill Engineering continues to assist clients enhance the resilience of existing trickling filters, minimise energy costs and maximise the lifespan of aging assets.
The Company was founded on the development, engineering and patent of a superior distributor arm with low blockage, zero energy and durability which could significantly enhance the performance of trickling filter assets for water companies.
The Company has grown with uptake of the McGill Distributor, and now offers a complete solution package covering the supply and seamless integration of the McGill Distributor in operational trickling filter wastewater treatment works
The company's proven track record is best evidenced in the operation of the McGill Distributor in over 75% of Northern Ireland Water’s numerically compliant trickling filters.
The operational cost and carbon footprint of energy intensive treatment processes puts into stark relief the benefits of traditional, energy efficient, options.
By revisiting and leveraging upon existing assets to better meet increasing loadings and tightening discharge standards, the McGill Distributor can help clients avoid the environmental and cost impacts of high energy new build alternatives.
The McGill Engineering safety culture influences every aspect of its daily operation. This starts with the
clear communication of safe working policies, continues through robust attitude to risk avoidance in activities undertaken and finishes with rigorous follow through on planned safe actions during fabrication and
on site works.
The strength of this culture is reflected in a proud safety record of zero RIDDOR reportable injuries in over 30 years of operation.